A study in the book of Philippians-“Joy In . . “

 We look forward to journeying through this short epistle together over the next six weeks.

Joy in crisis?  Rejoicing in trouble?  In his letter to the Philippian church, Paul uses the word joy or rejoice 14 times.  By all appearances, he had no reason for optimism. He wrote from jail. He was under attack from rivals and enemies.  After roughly 20 years of hard missionary work, there was a physical and emotional toll.  

In all the hardship, we see a well overflowing, a hidden source of supernatural capacity.  Where does this come from? Paul shares his secret: Jesus Christ is the Source and Center (1:21).  

Paul’s prison letter is pertinent for us today, “imprisoned” by a virus.  What does this word speak into our context of pandemic, quarantine, loss, or loneliness?  Paul’s letter helps us answer:

  • Can good come from suffering?
  • What is the unique response of the church in times of hardship?
  • What do we do when in deep despair?
  • Can our joy be infectious to those around us?
  • When many are fearful, can we exhibit this exceptional attitude?
  • What do such times say about the end of the world?