Entering a new phase
- Pre-registration will NOT be required. Given the new local guidelines and continued social distancing measures, we feel our numbers will be within the recommended range.
- Communion will be offered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays (July 12th and 26th).
- Services will be abbreviated, but will look more like a regular worship service (short sermon, more singing).
- Other protocol will remain: masks, traffic flow, no congregating, sanitation between services, same communion protocol.
- There will be no Connections or Bible Studies.
We will continue to offer our online worship services. We have segments of people in our church, including those not ready or able to return in person. We will minister to everyone where they are.
Due to the ever-changing nature of the pandemic and local guidelines, we will reevaluate and make adjustments for August.
We continue pursuing Generosity is Crisis
In times of trouble, Christians are even more generous. We trust that God will provide for all our needs. We are retooling our ministry to be responsive to the rapidly changing context.
This crisis comes with financial strain – in our personal lives, our community, and our church. We have over 60 full and part time staff across our ministry – church ministry, Childcare staff, Crave Coffeehouse, and Health Center. The number goes over a hundred when you consider our educational arms of Green Park and Lutheran South.
We are committed to continuing ministry, caring for our workers, and maintaining full support for our schools. This is not a time for the church to step back, but FORWARD.
Regular Offering: In this time of separation, we continue to worship God with our gifts and offerings. Continue to faithfully support our church and the mission God has given us in this critical moment.
Community Assistance Fund: Our church has established a special fund to meet the growing needs of this crisis. Funds will go directly to three major needs:
1.) Member and community care (gas and grocery cards, bills, immediate needs of those most impacted).
2.) Mission partners, such as Bethlehem Lutheran, Christian Friends of New Americans, and WordRUS missions.
3.) Caring for our unemployed hourly staff, such as Childcare workers and Crave baristas who are out of work.
Contribute to the assistance fund directly by writing a check to Christ Memorial with “Community Assistance Fund” in the memo. Or look for the fund in the drop down menu of our giving portal. Either login to your Link profile or make a one-time donation by credit card.