
There are multiple dimensions to the life of a church. Our church is loved by God, and he shares his love with us as we gather together, especially in worship where he shares his gifts with us. As we know we are loved, God also sends his church to show his love to the world.

Every church is blessed with a different set of talents and resources to use as channels to show God’s love. At Christ Memorial, we use our talents and resources to focus on our ministry platforms

Reliant Ministry Platforms

Crave Coffeehouse

Uniquely located between the Saint Louis University medical campus and the Gate District West neighborhood, Crave operates as a coffee shop Monday through Saturday, serving students and neighbors. Along with our church, we seek to live out our mission, “I’ll meet you there” in everything we do.

Reliant College Ministry

College Ministry at Reliant is focused on two things: connection and community. We want to help students stay connected to Christ during their time at college, and not just KEEP their faith, but GROW in it. Community is an important part of this faith growth. With a small group specifically for college students as well as a friendly, welcoming church family to worship with on Sundays, we know Reliant will be a place where students consistently experience the love of Christ and we hope it can truly become a home away from home! Want to learn more? Contact Pastor Nathan..

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