Lutheran Education Partnerships
Green Park Lutheran School
Green Park Lutheran School is a ministry owned and operated by Christ Memorial, Gethsemane, Peace, and Resurrection Lutheran Churches. For more than 50 years, Green Park has offered excellence in K-8 Christian education through academic rigor and a Christ-centered approach.
Christ Memorial and Green Park invite you to explore the vibrant educational community that makes Green Park a place that alumni send their own children. As Christians, we are blessed to have a school that can minister to the entire child – speaking openly of Christ, teaching children to lead a life of sound morals, and providing an opportunity for spiritual growth. Green Park paves the way for students’ academic futures by preparing them for life in high school and beyond.
Lutheran High School South
Lutheran High School South, home of the Lancers! Lutheran South is a co-educational, private, Christian school serving more than 420 students in grades 9 through 12 who live in St. Louis City, St. Louis County and the surrounding areas.
At Lutheran South, we blend a strong college prep curriculum with opportunities for co-curricular, service and athletic activities to help you mature and grow as a young Christian. We’re large enough to provide many different opportunities for you to explore, yet small enough for you to find your niche. Together with your church and family, we help you grow in your faith, develop your strengths and meet the challenge of new opportunities.