Midweek Lenten Services

For Christians, Lent is a season of change. But how does a person really change? We may change superficial habits and behaviors, but deep heart change only comes from an external source. Prayer is one way God changes us into the people he desires us to be. The Lord’s Prayer gives us the clearest picture of the change God wants. This Lent we let Jesus’ prayer work on us. Be prepared to change. 

Lenten midweek services begin on March 5th (Ash Wednesday). 

Christ Memorial
Worship times; Noon, 5:30 PM, and 7:00 PM (no meal served)

Worship will begin after a meal at 5:30 PM

The Lenten service schedule at Christ Memorial for March 12, 19, 26 / April 2 is as follows:
Noon — Traditional, organ-led worship
5:30* PM — Family service with piano, guitar, and youth praise team

*5:30 PM services can be viewed online and are linked here.

Each Wednesday there will be a fellowship meal following the 5:30 PM service.

The final Lenten evening worship service and meal on April 9th will be hosted by Reliant Church at their campus (3500 Caroline Street). The service will be at 5:30 PM with dinner following the service. There will also be a Noon service at Christ Memorial.

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