Our history
Christ Memorial is a 75-year-old congregation with five worship services on two campuses in South St. Louis County and City. In 2005, we relocated from a traditional site to a repurposed former Target retail space. Through this relocation, we discovered innovative and creative ways to engage and enrich our community. These became expressions of our deep conviction that we are loved in Christ and sent into the world.
Our belief
First and foremost, we are Christians. Our life and faith revolve around a crucified and risen man we believe to be the world’s rightful King. Second, we are Lutheran. As Lutheran Christians, we follow in the gospel-centered heritage of Martin Luther with distinct focus on God’s grace, his gift of faith in us, and the sacred Scriptures as the foundation for our life and work. We don’t believe in walking it alone, so we walk together with about 6,000 other congregations across the country in a church body known as The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
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