We have a high regard for membership. A member is an active, vital, and indispensable part of the whole “body” that is the church. At Christ Memorial, “membership” is really about ownership. Members commit to following Jesus within the leadership of our community, embracing the vision of the church, and leveraging all that God has given them to serve the church and others.
- Fight for the faith (I Tim. 6:12; II Tim. 2:14-16)
- Strive for unity of faith (Eph. 4:1-6)
- Bear with one another and build each other up (I Cor. 12:12-26)
- Do the mission together (Acts 1:8)
The process of being a member includes: baptism (if not previously baptized), a spiritual formation class (Pathway), a covenant, and a public declaration before the community. Interested in membership, or have questions? Contact our pastor, Paul Dickerson.
Our congregation is governed by its voting members, constitution and bylaws. As a multi-site congregation, both Christ Memorial and Reliant members participate together as one voting body. Voters’ meetings are typically held twice a year in May and November. Below are links to our current governing documents.
CMLC Constitution (effective January 1, 2024)
CMLC Bylaws (effective January 1, 2024)
Church Council Policy Manual (updated 10.14.24)
Christian Conduct Statement