September 1

Pipeline by Pastor Paul Dickerson

You meet a new person and they ask, “What’s your story?  Tell me about yourself.”  What will you say?  We easily talk about family and work, sports and weather.  Would you share anything about your faith in Christ?  

The Bible is God’s grand story of salvation.  In Jesus, He has invited you into it: your story, wrapped up in His.  We live in a world that is increasingly unaware of God and His story of salvation.  In this series, you’ll prepare your personal testimony of faith.  By the Spirit’s power, you’ll have something to say when they ask you, “What’s your story?” 

Today we pivot in our series and ask what does God’s Story have to do with my story? What is the connection point? Today we consider Baptism.

Luke 3:21-22

Pipeline by Pr Paul Dickerson

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