Connected: How to be Connected When Everything’s Apart

2020 has pulled at every aspect of our lives: health, society, church, schools, jobs, economy . . . We are suffering from extreme disconnection and division.  What do we do when everything is falling apart?  Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches . . . apart from me you can do nothing.”  Connection to Christ is everything.  

In this series we’ll use agricultural themes in Scripture to address questions like: 

What do we do when everything has changed?  

How do we stay connected to Christ when our normal connection points are disrupted?  

How do we not only survive, but thrive during times of turmoil?  

What does the church’s mission look like when things aren’t what they used to be? 

Wilderness:  What to do when everything has changed (Exodus 13:17-18; 14:10-18)

Seed:  How to respond when things die (John 12:20-26; Matthew 13:31-32)

Vine Part 1: Connection to Christ –  How to remain connected when you’re apart (John 15:1-11)

Vine Part 2: Connection to the Church –  How to remain connected when you’re apart (John 15:1-11)

Fruit:  How connection moves to action (John 15:12-17)

Harvest:  How to send when you can’t see the end  (Luke 10:1-12)

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